The Teisco brand name stands for 'Tokyo Electric Instrument
and Sound Company'. It was founded in 1946 by renowned
Hawaiian and Spanish guitarist Atswo Kaneko,
and electrical engineer Doryu Matsuda.

Teisco guitars sold in the United States
were badged "Teisco Del Rey" beginning in 1964.

The company was originally called 'Aoi Onpa Kenkyujo'
(roughly: Hollyhock Soundwave or Electricity Laboratories).
In 1956, the company name was changed to 'Nippon Onpa Kogyo Co',
and changed to 'Teisco Co.' in 1964.
Teisco guitars were also imported in the U.S.
under several brand names including Silvertone,
Jedson, Kent, Kingston, Kimberly, Tulio,
Heit Deluxe and World Teisco.
Guitarists who've found something special in their sound
include Hound Dog Taylor, Ry Cooder, Eddie Van Halen, Mark Knopfler and Richard Hawsley (Pulp, Jarvis Cocker).
you can see and learn more at these interesting sites:
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